Sunday 10 July 2011

Happy MapleStory Wedding on 09/10/2011~ =)

OMG! Anybody know that do this wedding quest about that need to have " the proved of the love" so hard ? We though that it is at Henesyss or what and then me go back Victoria Island from Singapore~
After HALF AN HOUR then AT LAST I've done and can go in this wedding hall F6

Ohohoho~ Screen Shot From the Wedding Hall XD Nice nice~ Me and my dear~ >.<!

Woohoo~ There is a long long speech the Father talking~ From Pig Ribbon~ Don't know until Elnath lar~ Bla bla bla XD

Yeah~ Stand together we have the <3 heart shape around us~ XD

At Last~ F3

This map can get scroll~ XD hehehe

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